Digital Nomadz

Wonderlijk Werken Lifestyle Design

Wonderlijk Werken is a Lifestyle Design company by Digital Nomadz. We believe we are currently in the midst of a transition in the way we work and live. Many people search for a way to balance work, caring for the family, spending time with loved-ones and friends, travel, even growing their own food and reducing ecological footprint as much as possible: not only taking, but also giving back to the place where we live: to the community and the physical place. It is not all work anymore. Having lots of money, a position of power in a highly unfulfilling and over-demanding job, being busy, busy, busy all the time just is not such an interesting way to live your life. More and more people become aware of that and look to take back the initiative and control over their own days and how they spend their time.

During our first year of travel (2012) we started a blog in Dutch writing about topics like time, work, money and the transition we had made ourselves from a 70 hours per week corporate career to entrepreneurship to eventually traveling entrepreneurship: or working remotely while traveling. Many people were interested in this view on the world and asked for tips how to make the change themselves. From these questions a 10-day lifestyle design program in Mexico (2013) was developed, as well as two online training programs (2014/2015) and a four-day intensive training program called the Digital Nomad Series in The Netherlands (2016). We continue to travel while working remotely, since november 2015 with a baby girl.

We help people make the transition to a job or create a company doing things they love. We help people transform their work so it enables them to work independently from location. The majority of our clients are Dutch, although it is possible to enroll with us if you speak English or Spanish. If you are interested in that, please drop us a line in English or Spanish.