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What do you want to do before you die?

Or.. what is on your bucket list? We have just completed our bucket list and put it online for you to browse through and laugh about  it (just as we did), but also to get inspired and create your own bucket list. Life is short and we would like to encourage you to make a list of things you want to do before you die. In this world, everything is possible, you only have to set your mind to it and the first step is putting it on paper (or online;)). Your list can be completely different from ours but we can tell you that making such a list feels good and is a first step into making (y)our short life worthwhile.

Enjoy reading our list* and please share your list with us once you are finished! May be we can combine things on our lists and have a great experience together.

P.S. We are giving a goodbye party in Amsterdam on december 3d. If you want to come and say goodbye (and have an awesome party) please visit this Facebook page and please RSVP or send us an email.

*Please note that these are the things we want to experience before we die.. We have several other personal development and growth goals, these are not posted here.


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