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Digital Nomadz

Our entire lives, we (Diana and Steven) have been doing things differently. We are almost thirty years old and we do not own a house, have no full-time jobs, no kids and we don’t like working from nine to five, especially not in an office. Ten years ago, if you were living like this, you were a failure to society. Fortunately, times are changing.

Deep inside, we both feel that there is a better way to live our lives. We strongly believe that the world is there to be experienced and that one can do great things for others while exploring it. Can you imagine that there are some people so rich, the only thing they have is money? Instead of waiting until retirement for the time and the money to live our dreams, we decided that now is the time to do so. We will live and work abroad with our MacBooks, backpacks, cameras and two heads filled with ideas like two nomads, or better: Digital Nomadz. We take pictures, write blogs, relax but also perform jobs for both foreign and local companies. With this website we are trying to create a home away from home for ourselves but also for you. We will keep you posted on where we are, what we read and the stuff we use to travel around the world.

Our journey will start in Central and South America, duration and destination unknown. Tasting the real life? Guaranteed! This is our website where you can follow us, talk with us and hire us. So feel welcome and look around!




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