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Welcome! Welkom! ¡Bienvenidos!

Mexico City

Imagine you are in a city and you hear those typical city noises: car horns, trafic and people talking. Now imagine that you are standing on a mountain and all you can see around you are houses and roads, everywhere you look. And imagine that all these sounds are blended in

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It is not about the miles..

As a society, we have cocooned ourselves. Every day we are rushing from one goal or target to the next. And while working on one thing, we are already thinking about the next thing to check off on our list. We are so much engaged in this whole process that

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Quick update: We have found the guy who took our bags!

Yesterday we had to travel from Caye Caulker (Belize) to Palenque (Mexico) to visit the Maya ruins. Because of the fact that there are a lot of ways to do this, we took some time to figure out our route. We could have made some very different decisions but for

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Backpacking lesson 1: Never, ever leave your luggage unattended..

We were staying in Playa del Carmen (very american and pretty expensive) and learned our first valuable backpacking lesson: Never leave your luggage unattended! We were checking out of our hotel (Maya Bric) early in the morning and had to wait until 23.40 before our night bus to Belize would

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Saying goodbye and saying hello!

'Saying goodbye and saying hello are more related than one might think..' This beautiful line was sent to us by Saskia (diana's sister), written on a card and attached to a small heart.. Our hearts felt small and heavy these last few days before our final goodbyes, you could see

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Away but close

Mexico, the starting point of our journey, sits on the other side of the globe, about 9200 kilometers from Amsterdam. This feels like being really far away! But we want to stay close to the people we love. We don't want to miss out on some of the exciting things

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What do you want to do before you die?

Or.. what is on your bucket list? We have just completed our bucket list and put it online for you to browse through and laugh about  it (just as we did), but also to get inspired and create your own bucket list. Life is short and we would like to encourage you

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What exactly is a Digital Nomad?

In order to explain what a digital nomad is I found this nice infographic that explains it perfectly (thnx for sharing @burgemeester!) I hope this clarifiies the kind of life Diana and me will be living as of december 5th! Didi this help you? Are you joining this lifestyle soon?

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Letting go…

It is 1.00 AM on a monday evening and I can't sleep. In only five weeks from now we will be on a plane to Mexico! Even though we can't wait, there is still so much to do. So many friends and family to say goodbye to, insurance things, last

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Getting rid of stuff feels great!

The clock is ticking. On december 5th we will get on a plane and leave holland for a longer period of time. A scary decision but our intuition is guiding us and we feel we have to do this. A lot of people ask us if it doesn't feel scary

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